Ned and Joe Pick Out the Perfect Camper
Since we slept in the car last night I was up early and headed out to look for a place to have breakfast. North Conway, NH is one of those outlet Mecca’s. Since New Hampshire has no sales tax they are popular but they don’t open until 9:00 am. So after breakfast we drove to the base of Mount Washington to take the Mount Washington Auto Road to summit of Mount Washington.
The Auto Road was opened in 1861 as a carriage route to the 6,288 ft summit. It is 8 miles to the top and some parts are not for the faint of heart. The weather on the summit looked clear from the base of the drive but by the time we reached the top it had changed. Clouds were swirling around us and the wind was picking up. The summit is home to a number of buildings including the Mount Washington Observatory. In 1934 the scientists at the observatory measured the world’s highest surface wind speed record of 231 miles per hour. Fortunately the wind wasn't quite near that for us. Clouds moving in blocked our view so we climbed back in the car for the drive down. As we descended it began to rain. After stopping at some of the outlets we started for Vermont.
A New Hampshire Covered Bridge
The Clouds Swirl Around Mount Washington
Hang On! Joe Summits Mount Washington
While Ned Shelters Behind Some Rocks
We took the Kancamagus Scenic Byway (Rt. 112) from Conway. It is a 28 mile road through the heart of the White Mountains that climbs to nearly 3000 ft. It is designated a National Forest Scenic Byway and may be the most scenic route in New Hampshire. The last time I was on this road was in June and it was snowing, this time it was raining so the scenery was muted. We eventually entered Vermont and drove to Waterbury, VT for our next stop.
Waterbury, VT is the location of the Ben & Jerry’s Factory. They have scheduled tours to view the making of their ice cream. The factory grounds is sort of like a small fair with games for the kids, a flavor graveyard and of course a scoop shop. You do get to sample some ice cream at the end of the tour but we had to wait one and half hours for our tour so what else are you going to do?
Is That an Ice Cream Factory?
Ned and Joe on Ice Cream
Ned Sampling the Wares While Thinking of His Next Flavor
After the tour we took off for Burlington, VT. By this time we were ready to get home so I made Plattsburgh, NY our goal. With it raining and the broken tent pole I decided to stay the night in a hotel. A quick ferry ride across Lake Champlain and we were in Plattsburgh and to bed.
The Ferry Across Lake Champlain to Plattsburgh, NY

Conway, NH to Plattsburgh, NY, 179 miles 7 hrs 17 min
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