Joe Shows the Proper Technique for Using a Touch Pool
Thursday and Friday were our last days on the Cape. Mary had to do some work so the boys and I dropped her off a the local community college to use their wireless connection.
On Thursday we headed to Falmouth and Woods Hole. We did some shopping in Falmouth and on the way to Woods Hole we stopped at the Nobska Light. In Woods Hole we visited the aquarium. It is a small aquarium but it packs a lot in.
On Friday we hung out at the house and in the evening after Mary got back we went out for a last boat ride. The ospreys were out and with the sun setting we made a last visit to crab beach. Then we headed back to the house to pack our things for the trip to Maine.

The Nobska Light

Woods Hole Has a Ships Coming Out of the Walls
The Nobska Light
Woods Hole Has a Ships Coming Out of the Walls
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